Time: 6am – 11:30am  (I’ll have the van there by 5:30am)

We will immediately have 2 people start to set up tables and get the fluids and “food” uncapped & organized while the rest of us set up the bike racks, trash cans & signs, etc.  They will have put tape down on the road to show us approx. where to put stuff. Try to keep things clean and picked up.

Bike Racks: We will put one on either side of the Porta Potty – and not too close to our food or water tables, otherwise the order is: Water, Gatorade, Food, Gatorade, Water, (bike rack), Toilets (bike rack), Last chance trash.

Basic Layout & Map Below

We will start to slowly consolidate & break down approximately 10:30am (go down to 2 tables) – the last athletes are expected through by 11am.

Any leftover food or fluids are ours.


  • These athletes are under a lot of stress. For some, this is their first Ironman and though some are likely to be gracious and appreciative – others are not. Do not take it personally if you see frustration & anger. It is THEIR responsibility to slow down enough to grab what they need. Do not risk getting in other riders’ way in order to deliver water or food.
  • Please stay out of the road as much as possible. You do not want to be another obstacle for a stressed athlete.
  • Trash Management – please do your best to pick up bottles, lids, empty goo containers throughout the morning (always be aware of your surroundings if this involves getting into the road)
  • Technical Breakdowns, Medical Emergencies and people who request SAG support – CALL COMMAND LINE NOT 911 (There are ambulances on standby)
  • ONLY EVER GIVE ATHLETES NUMBER TO COMMAND LINE: (will be given this number soon and will text everyone this number – for privacy reasons, do not use their name/sex/age etc.)
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Volunteering for Ironman Oregon 2023
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Banks Vernonia Halloween Ride